πŸ‘‰How to launch your own token

  1. Pick your token name

  2. Pick your symbol/ticker

  3. Choose the supply

  4. Starting initial market cap

  • The beauty of eBakery is that you don’t need to supply any ETH for liquidity. We recommend 1-10 ETH.

  1. Upper market cap

  • The lower the number, the more dense the liquidity is which makes it harder to move the price and vice versa. We recommend 100000000 ETH.

  1. Choose your creator fee percent.

  • This allows you to help make incentivization easier for your product to start. You’ll also be able to collect the 1% volume fees (minus the platform fee) that V3 provides. We recommend 0–5%.

  1. Instant buy amount.

  • ETH to be sent with the deployment which is used to instantly buy the token before snipers/bots get a chance

  1. Transfer Limit

  • Enforce a maximum transfer limit per transaction for a period of time at launch (leaving this blank or setting it to 0 means no limit)

  1. Transfer Limit Time

  • How many minutes to apply the transfer limit for( leaving this blank or setting it to 0 means the limit is disabled).

It is free to create a contract other than normal deployment costs. It has never been this easy.

Last updated